GIS student Millie Chandarana has been talking to us about why GIS is the perfect place for her to progress her sports industry higher education while also playing football professionally.

Millie, who studies MSc Football Business, plays in the Women’s Championship for Blackburn Rovers Women.

She is currently in the first year of her two-year part-time course, which she says allows her to balance playing football for a living alongside studying.

She said: “When I’m playing for Blackburn, GIS offers that outlet. It allows me to balance football and education. It’s good to have both to have one to take your mind off one or the other.

“I find it really good to have as a balance.”

Millie, who spent two years playing in the Italian Serie A before signing for Blackburn, added:

“I’m happy I’m doing the course part time with GIS and being able to get that extra time with contacts and lecturers and actually learning more across two years rather than having it condensed into one.”

Speaking about GIS as an institution, she said: “GIS offers a fantastic network. That is a great asset.

“Being able to speak to people in a number of different roles, a number of different clubs. I think that’s massive.

“It’s something I’ve not been able to do before. To come to GIS and have access to those kinds of people, it’s so valuable.”

While at GIS, Millie is the recipient of our South Asians in Football Leadership Scholarship, and is mentored by Dev Trehan throughout her studies.

“South Asians in football is something we’re both very passionate about,” Millie said. “As a South Asian woman in football myself, it’s something we both work hard to change the landscape of.

“The scholarship has also allowed be to take part in The Inclusive Leadership in Football Award, which I hope will open a lot more opportunities and build my knowledge further.”

She finished: “I think if you’re wanting a career in the industry to just try it, definitely.

“Get your foot in the door by trying everything you can. Whatever it is. Football throws a lot of things at people. It’s a great way to try a lot of things and see what you like and don’t like.

“From that, figure out what you like and just go with it.”

To find out more about GIS’ wide array of global scholarships, click here.

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