
This web site has been designed to make it as widely accessible as possible so that everyone, regardless of ability, can use our site. This page gives information on features included within the site.

Note that you may also need to review the accessibility features in your browser.

Standards compliance

All our pages conform to Level A compliance as specified by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the majority of Level AA and AAA requirements are also met. Please remember, these are Guidelines and as such, some warnings may not be applicable.

All pages validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional, and use structured semantic mark-up where possible.

Our CSS also validates.

Structured, semantic markup

We have used structured, semantic mark-up on all our pages, using header tags, list items for navigation menus, address tags, etc.

Graphics, Pictures and Images

Where we have used graphics, pictures and images, we have included text descriptions (‘Alt-Tags’), to comply with internationally recognised Web accessibility guidelines. All graphical navigation buttons are similarly ‘Alt-tagged’. Where graphical images are just for decoration they have NULL alt text (alt=””).


Where appropriate, links have title attributes which describe the link in greater detail.

Adjusting the size of the text

Users have the flexibility to resize the text as they wish. The method for doing this varies from browser to browser. Please follow the links below for up-to-date instructions on how to do this on your browser:

Internet Explorer




Alternatively, on most PC’s, you can adjust your text size by holding down the ‘Ctrl’ key and using your mouse scroll wheel to increase or decrease the text size.

Access Keys

This website uses keyboard shortcuts also know as Access Keys. This allows quick navigation for users who don’t have a mouse.

To use these access keys follow the instructions below: Microsoft Internet Explorer – press ‘Alt’ and letter, then press enter.

  • Netscape – press ‘Alt’ and letter at the same time.
  • Mozilla – press ‘Alt’ and letter at the same time.
  • Mac’s: IE, Safari, Firefox – hold down ‘Control’ key, then press letter.


If you would like to read a PDF document with a screen reader, please visit the Access Adobe website.

Further information

To find out more about accessibility issues please visit the Web Accessibility Initiative

Please note that clicking on the links or logos will open a new browser window.


We’ve tried our best, but if there is anything that we have missed or you feel we could have done better, please let us know by contacting us on: 03332417333 or email us.

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